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Posted by Martin Parent, Vice President, Operations | Chief Privacy Officer, June 12 2024
AGA Earns ISO 9001 Certification for Customer Satisfaction


AGA Benefit Solutions’ Montreal office has obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification, which relates to the quality of services provided and customer satisfaction. This major accomplishment is a testament to our team’s constant regard for organizational excellence and customer satisfaction.

What is the ISO 9001:2015 standard?

The ISO (International Standardization Organization), a worldwide federation of national standards bodies, sets standards to help businesses of all sizes and industries reduce costs, improve productivity and access new markets. 

More specifically, the ISO 9001 standard defines the criteria of a Quality Management System (QMS) based on principles such as strong client focus, management team motivation and engagement, process approach and continuous improvement. This standard helps organizations increase both efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Why 2015? This is the year when the standard was last updated.

ISO 9001 certification, a strategic decision

In our industry, very few Canadian organizations hold the ISO 9001 certification. AGA made the strategic decision to adopt a quality management system to optimize overall business performance and provide a solid foundation for initiatives to ensure the organization's sustainability. 

Over the years, AGA has implemented structured and efficient procedures and practices. This certification commits us to continually enhancing our operations and setting up improvement processes. The certification is valid for three years and must be controlled annually.

With this certification, we have built a framework for our processes that supports our mission and vision. We pursue the following objectives:

  • Satisfy our customers by delivering services that meet or exceed their expectations within the agreed timeframe;
  • Satisfy our employees, including through training designed to maintain a high level of expertise and through positive feedback that fosters personal development;
  • Meet government and technological requirements, along with requirements arising from our partnerships with insurers and service providers.

The seven requirements of ISO 9001 standard

To get and keep ISO 9001:2015 certification, AGA must meet seven requirements:

  1. Context of the Organization. AGA lists the stakeholders’ needs and expectations and defines the coverage of the standard across the organization.
  2. Leadership. Management is committed to observing and applying the standard.
  3. Planning. AGA must manage the risks, changes and quality objectives to be met.
  4. Support. Success rests upon our human, material and technological resources, which must adequately fulfill the tasks required.
  5. Operation. AGA must maintain a high level of operations planning and control, communication, and product, service and process management.
  6. Performance Evaluation. Customer satisfaction is managed through regular monitoring, measurement, analysis and assessment.
  7. Improvement. AGA must ensure that non-compliances are identified, corrected, documented and disclosed.

To meet these requirements, each business process is entrusted to a champion who is responsible for monitoring and measuring the process across all our departments.

The ISO 9001:2015 standard, coming soon in Quebec City and across Canada!
Over the coming years, AGA intends to obtain the ISO 9001:2015 certification for all our offices, first in Quebec City, then in Ontario and Western Canada.

This demonstrates the sincerity of AGA Benefit Solutions and the importance we place on customer satisfaction. Our promise of  AGA_SloganSeulEN-1  is well rooted in our culture!
With a bachelor's degree in computer science and software engineering, Martin has more than 20 years of experience in information technology, more specifically in strategic consulting, continuous improvement and execution of complex projects. Based on an approach aligned with technology and business, Martin creates a collaborative environment where technical and business teams work together to identify opportunities for innovation, cost optimization and risk management.
Martin Parent, Vice President, Operations | Chief Privacy Officer